Everyone Loves A Drama Queen. Said No One Ever.
The dramatic. I love it in art, theater, pictures, film, fashion, and style. But have no place for it in life or my interactions with other humans.
Keeping drama in its proper place, I think, is a major factor in keeping oneself feeling, looking, and actually being youthful. Stress and anxiety are the number one factors of early aging signs, symptoms, and poor health. I know when I’m stressed nothing feels great emotionally or physically, and I can see it on my face.
Ouch. 🥴
We can’t do much about our genetics. If you inherited premature graying, balding, thin skin, dark circles, etc. there’s not a ton you can do about it. 🙄
BUT what you can do, is not make it worse by managing environmental factors such as getting good sleep and exercise, eating well, laughing, loving, and drinking more water than you want, and being mindful of not only what you put in your body but on it.
Have you ever seen the identical twin studies illustrating how they each aged so differently based on environmental factors including, smoking, yoyo dieting, sun exposure, excessive drinking etc. or not? Check it out. It’s nuts.
Let’s face it, being human is hard. But, we can make it easier on ourselves and look and feel amazing doing it by keeping drama where it belongs.